Monday, December 30, 2019

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Culture Essay - 1817 Words

House et al. (2007) discovers that leadership and Organisational culture are closely linked together as leaders influence the culture of their organisations. Researches talk about a range of leadership definitions but it is not easy to define. (E.g. Western, 2008; Yukl, 2010). However, Cohen (2009) critically analyses definitions from Dracker (1996), Eisenhower (1969), Northouse (2004) and finally summarised the definition of leadership constitutes five elements. First of all, ask question to set direction, which means effective leaders need to listen to followers’ voice respectfully and then share the common goals and ideas with them. In addition, leaders need to seek insights and allocate resources optimally; act ethically; allow their†¦show more content†¦Initially, the big five traits contains Surgency, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Adjustment and Intellectance. With regard to conscientiousness, it involves dependability (loyalty) and need for achievement. Acc ording to Kellaway (2010), she indicates that Lord Sugar asks his employees for absolute loyalty. After the interview with him, she turned to his Personal assistant (PA) who commented Alan Sugar as a polite man instead of bullying in public views. Then Kellaway supposed she was probably afraid to say so and this may be the only reason why she could still work for him. Another interview (with BBC Journalist), Alan Sugar acknowledged himself as â€Å"got a strong work ethic and dislike people who work him for nothing† which freshly shows his tough requirements of achievement-oriented. The implication of these traits is positively encourage his followers to make their efforts to do the right thing in their positions but it will also make them feel a sense of pressure due to they had no chance to show efforts but results (E.g. in â€Å"The Apprentice†, candidates will be sentenced by the final achievements rather than what they did during the project). In addition, the fin al 14 candidates of â€Å"The apprentice† were elected from massive rigorous selection procedures; therefore, apparently, Alan sugar as a boss must have the same traits as these candidates. For example, oneShow MoreRelatedLeadership And Culture Of The Field Of Organizational Leadership1058 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership and Culture Ethical Leadership According to research theories in the field of organizational leadership, â€Å"powerful leaders can have substantial impact on the lives of followers and the fate of an organization† (Yukl, 2006, p.340). Nevertheless, Heifetz (1994) points out, â€Å"there is no ethically neutral ground for theories of leadership, because they always involve values and implicit assumptions about proper forms of influence. The complexity of issues surrounding ethical and unethicalRead MoreLeadership Theory And Organizational Culture1361 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The role of leadership has evolved over the years. Early leadership theories focused on the characteristics of the leader and have shifted to focus on the leader’s behavior, skills and style. Emerging leadership theories continued to shift focus to team leadership and subordinate motivation. Organizational culture is exists in all organizations and influences the work environment. Researchers have studied leadership and organizational culture individually; however there have been less focusRead MoreLeadership and Organizational Culture Essay1310 Words   |  6 PagesLEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE In this paper I will discuss the effects and responsibilities leaders have on an organizational culture. I believe leaders have an enormous effect on the well-being of an organizational culture. Leaders must take an active role within their organizations culture. Whether positive or negative, in an organization, things tend to follow suit down hill. A leader has the power and influence to maintain, create, or repair an organizational culture. However, thisRead MoreLeadership Models And Organizational Culture852 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a solid foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminate these principles throughout the organization. This paper will present ethical leadership models asRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Leadership Of A Team981 Words   |  4 PagesEvery working individual adhere to vison or a cognitive norm of Organizational culture and holds some positive or a negative opinion about their leader. 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Organizational Culture and Leadership. 2nd ed., San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Edgar Schein outlines those characteristics in better understanding and assessing the culture and climate of an organization. A lot energy and emphasis is focused on the identification and application of an organization’s guiding principles. Schein suggests that our guiding values and principles are important, but it is in the organizations structure, culture, action that describes the true characterRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Leadership Development1275 Words   |  6 Pagesprogressively generate business associations with organizations whose cultures are different, employees may work with others who hold different views of what establishes effective functioning in an organization, and what relationships are existent between organizational factors and workplace effectiveness (Kwantes and Boglarsky, 2007). Knowing the importance of leadership in modern-day organizations, it is not shocking that leadership development gets the biggest percentage distribution from trainingRead MoreLeadership Models And Organizational Culture885 Words   |  4 Pages Leadership Models Organizational Culture Cornelius Cash Grand Canyon University LDR804-Leading across Cultures September 7, 2016 Ethical Leadership Models Leaders that demonstrate a commitment to behaving in an ethical manner are viewed as trustworthy and subordinates gravitate toward them. Ethical leaders have a foundational belief in honesty and trustworthiness and disseminating these principles throughout the organization. This paper will present ethical leadership models as tools

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Victorias Secret Free Essays

Store location is an important decision for retailers because location is â€Å"typically one of the most influential considerations in a customer’s store-choice decision† (Retailing, 167). Most consumers choose which store to visit based on close proximity to home or work, comfort level, and other surrounding retailers so shopping stays relaxing and a lot of driving isn’t needed. Victoria’s Secret in the Beverly Center is in a shopping mall. We will write a custom essay sample on Victorias Secret or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reasoning behind the store being placed in the mall across from the elevators in the center is because malls have high amounts of traffic. Another reason why a mall location has its advantages, because malls provide the chance to combine shopping with entertainment, a great place to walk around catch up with friends while getting your shopping done, bringing in large numbers of people a day. Victoria’s Secret in the Beverly Center is a leader in lingerie, with Fredrick’s of Hollywood as their largest competitor is far from this location. Therefore shoppers at the Beverly Center who are looking for affordable lingerie will venture in to Victoria’s Secret. Victoria’s Secret is a multi-channel retailer, from stores, to online, to catalogs. This an advantage to the company because if a customer cannot find an item, or color they are looking for in the store, they have two other methods of how to purchase that item, still making Victoria’s Secret a profit and keeping the loyalty of the consumer. Victoria’s Secret is a leader in the retail industry not only because of the products they put out but because they understand the â€Å"3 most important things of a retail chain, location, location, location†(Retailing, 167). Work Citied Levy, Michael, and Barton A. Weitz. Retailing Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009. Print. How to cite Victorias Secret, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Business Model of Walmart-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Discuss about the Business Model of Walmart. Answer: Introduction A business model is a blueprint, used by businesses, to identify the various ways in which it will run its services. Business models highlight the means of operations incorporated by a business to help improve service and maximize profits. Business models are part of the strategic plan of an organization. Different organizations employ different business models, as they deal with a different variety of products and target different market shares. The construction of a business model is in alignment with the value proposition of the business (Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda, Smith, 2014). The value proposition is a direct view of the benefits the business aims at providing to its clients and target population. There are multiple business models, due to increase in globalization. As companies compete to gain a competitive advantage over each other (Parnell and Lester, 2008), they employ different business models. One such organization is the Walmart Stores. Walmart Stores Incorporation Walmart is the Worlds largest retail store (McGee, 2018). The store has its headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. Walmart uses various methods of operations, one being the Sams Club. Through this, Walmart provides services to various parts of the world including the United States, Brazil, Mexico, and China. Walmart operates on an international market and serves over fifty million customers daily. The store provides inventory services to its customers. It deals with a wide variety of products among them being garden supplies, electronics, health and beauty supplies, furniture, sporting attire, and equipment, as well as children accessories and toys. With increased globalization, the store faces various benefits as well as challenges. Among the significant benefits are increased market share, use of advanced technology, and efficient workflow. The significant challenges faced by Walmart include competition from other firms, legal and regulatory laws, and myriads of cultures in the bus iness environment. However, despite these challenges, Walmart is still the largest retail shop in the world and enjoys much of the market share. The business model it incorporates gives it its competitive advantage over other firms (Parnell and Lester, 2008). Walmarts Business Model Canvas A business model canvas is a chart that comprises of all activities undertaken by a firm. Walmart employs the Osterwalder and Pigneurs model, which incorporates the nine building blocks. It consists of various factors affecting the business, which include the principal partners, essential activities, crucial resources, the costs and financial structure, customer relationships, channels, revenue streams, and customer segments (Osterwalder Pigneur, 2010). These factors are incorporated into the business value proposition. Key Partners Key partners include the various stakeholders with whom the business is contact. They include all activities that build the bond between the suppliers and the buyers in the supply chain (Morschett, Schramm-Klein, Zentes, 2015). The key partners for Walmart include the suppliers and buyers. Walmart stores create a conducive environment whereby the suppliers can meet and satisfy their clients desires. Through this, suppliers gain access to a larger market, whereas the buyers have a wide variety of options to choose. Activities Walmart runs on several business operations including the purchasing, storage, delivery of inventory as well as the overall price control. It incorporates advanced technology to help in the movement of inventory along the supply chain. As a result, the company enjoys lower operation costs, while at the same time providing efficiency in its workflow. Resources Walmart seeks resources from different locations, thus attaining the cost leadership advantage. Through this advantage, Walmart stores incur low production costs, which appeals to its advantage of providing services at low costs. Other resources include the inventory stores and logistics for operations, the human resources, managers, and the organizational culture. These resources help in streamlining workflow in the organization. The Cost Structure The cost structure refers to a model aimed at reducing operating costs through economies of scale. Globalization played a crucial role in aiding the organization to gain the economies of scale. These economies of scale reduce operation costs mostly due to the factors associated with the use of advanced technology. Additionally, the store passes on a percentage of the operating costs to suppliers. Customer Relations Walmart creates an environment that is conducive to the customers. The store advocates for self-service where customers can access their desired products easily. The store seeks supplies in bulk, thus stocking them to feed the ever-increasing number of customers. Customer segmentation Additionally, the store controls prices of prices to meet the levels of each consumer. These levels include the brand-aspirations consumers, price-sensitive consumers, and the value-price buyers. Distribution Channel The company store the excess inventory, from suppliers, in its warehouses. Through this, the company can easily distribute the products, to the various stores, when the demand arises. Additionally, it uses the client segmentation technique to determine how it will distribute products and goods. Revenue streams Majority of the revenue of Walmart arise from the sales it makes to the different customers in the various segmentations. The company also sells its products and brand thus increasing the revenue. Moreover, the company firsts sell products from suppliers before paying. Value proposition A value proposition is the core part of operations in the industry. The companys activities aim at achieving this objective. Walmarts value proposition is directed towards offering Every Day Low Prices (EDLP). Additionally, Walmart aims at being a one-stop supply store where customers can access all their desired products, thus saving them time and money. Key Relationship The nine building blocks of the business are integrated with each other. They all provide ways of achieving better services for the business. The critical component of the nine building blocks in the business model canvas is the value proposition for Walmart. As it aims at providing low prices and saving time for consumers, Walmarts supply chain relies on these factors. The company relies on the internal factors of operations to improve their external service providers. The internal factors include the key activities, resources, partnerships, and the costs structure. The external factors relate to service provision, which includes distribution channels, revenue streams, customer relations, and customer segmentation. Walmart ensures that it considers these factors simultaneously for the benefit of the company. Critical Success Factors Walmart faces competition from other global terms. Although it maintains its top position of being a leader in the global production of retail services, the business has had to consider various success factors in its operations (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart, 2012). One of the factors is the use of advanced technology. Walmart offers its services to a global market, and thus there is need to meet the relevant factors to ascertain efficiency. Technology ensures that the business enjoys a streamlined way of operating. It also ensures that the company keeps a clean record of its inventory and its movement along the supply chain (Stadtler, 2015). Technology saves the company the labor costs and reduces the time consumed in running operations. Walmart needs to consider the culture of the area it is operating. To be successful, Walmart needs to emphasize on inclusion as its primary operation strategy. Inclusion refers to creating a conducive environment, where the business and the surrounding community relate harmoniously. Walmart can achieve this by respecting and adopting the communitys culture as well as participating in community-based operations. This creates a good rapport with the community, resulting in business growth (Morschett, Schramm-Klein, Zentes, 2015). Downside Risk Although Walmart has a useful operating system leading to its overall success, the company is prone to several challenges. One of the significant risks is the changes in the laws and regulations affecting operations. As it operates in different parts of the world, the host countries can deploy unattractive laws and regulations, which limit the operations of the business (Rothaermel, 2015). Recommendations Walmart can consider several actions to improve service delivery. First, it can employ policies, which are customer focused. Additionally, the company can advocate for the need for improved innovation (Clauss, 2017). Innovation allows the business to incorporate new strategies aimed at improving service delivery, while at the same time developing a persons abilities. The company should also consider policies that will advocate for social responsibility and sustainability (Wells, 2013). This means the provision of services in a manner that will ascertain the development of the society more sustainably (Rothaermel, 2015). Conclusion A business model is a blueprint that highlights the techniques employed in business to meet sustainable growth and maximize profits. Walmart, being a leading service provider for retail activities, employs the Osterwalder Pigneur business model, which highlights nine fundamental building blocks. The nine building blocks relate with each other simultaneously to aid the store to achieve maximum output in overall service production. Walmart considers critical factors such as the culture and technology to maintain its success. However, the company faces risks in its operations, including the changing laws and regulations, which could affect its operations. To improve service delivery, the business can incorporate various strategies such as advocating for social responsibility and growth, innovation, and customer-focused strategies. References Casadesus-Masanell, R., Ricart, J. E. (2012). 22 Competing through business models1.Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy, 460. Clauss, T. (2017). Measuring business model innovation: conceptualization, scale development, and proof of performance.RD Management,47(3), 385-403. McGee, R. (2018). How large is Walmart? A Comparison of Walmart Sales to Nations GDP.SSRN Electronic Journal. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H., Zentes, J. (2015).Strategic international management. Springer. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2010).Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challenges. John Wiley Sons. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. (2014).Value proposition design: How to create products and services customers want. John Wiley Sons. Parnell, J. A., Lester, D. L. (2008). Competitive strategy and the Wal-Mart threat: positioning for survival and success.SAM Advanced Management Journal,73(2), 14. Rothaermel, F. T. (2015).Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Wells, P. E. (2013).Business models for sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing